Libraries in the cyber world
Evento organizado pela Shivaji University College Librarian Associantion (SUCLA)
Inscrição gratuita
Será transmitida pelo ZOO, dia 29.03.2022 –
11:00 AM (Horário na India)
20:00 PM (Horario de Brasilia)
obs.: Não ficou claro ainda se as falas serão em inglês, mas é provável.

Dear Librarian and Library Professionals
Shivaji University College Librarian Association (SUCLA) and M. H. Shinde Mahavidyalaya Tisangi Library Department
Jointly organized One day National Workshop on “Libraries In The Cyber World Issues and Challenges ” on
29 March 2022 at 11:00 AMb
Keynote Address
Dr. Yuvaraj Jadhav
Dept. of LIS., Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Resource Person
Dr. B. T. Sampath Kumar
Professor Department of LIS., Tumkur University, Tumkur
*The Link forRegistration
Zoom Meeting Link
Zoom ID – 6045366540 Password – 12345 Join the WhatsApp Group for Further Communication about Workshop
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WhatsApp Group 2
WhatsApp Group 3
*Shivaji University College Librarian Association (SUCLA) Jointly organised with M. H. Shinde Mahavidyalaya Tisangi